Our Daughters Daughters

Advancing gender equality, one day at a time.

Why? image
We live in a world that is unequal. Progress is being made, but your gender will continue to affect your choices, life outcomes, financial and physical security for the rest of your lifetime. And the lifetimes of our daughters, and their daughters, and so on. It may take generations for boys and girls to grow up in a world where they can make choices, free of gender limitations.

We all want better for our children. It can be daunting to know where to start. But each of us must start now, to affect change in the worlds of those that come after us. To be the role models for the lives we want them to have.

Speaking & Events

Bringing levity and energy to conferences, events and panel discussions on practically advancing gender equality.

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Facilitation & Training

From short workshops to bespoke programmes, we can integrate our work into existing programmes, or provide stand alone activities for men and women.

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Awareness & Education

Providing support and information to individuals and businesses, on the how to, and what next.

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Coaching & Mentoring

Development of coaching programmes, internal coaches, or the matching of Coaches and Mentors with women in your organisation.

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When it comes to confidence, what if the problem isn't you?

  •  05/07/2021 03:38 PM

What our daughters daughters is all about, and what you can do.

  •  05/23/2018 10:35 AM

How the world of work, and womens roles may change.

  •  05/23/2018 10:33 AM

Why blame and punishment doesn't help.

  •  05/23/2018 10:32 AM

Results of the women in the workplace survey 2018.

  •  05/23/2018 10:30 AM

Heroes, villians and what we need to know about systemic issues in the workplace.

  •  05/23/2018 10:28 AM

Reflections from the guilty feminist conference in April 2017. Tips for women on advancement

  •  05/23/2018 10:25 AM

Women in the workplace survey results - February 2018

Includes tips and ideas for women on overcoming challenges

Womens attitude survey, Feburary 2018.pdf

Personal development

Coaching Cards for Women

52 cards - each with a question to help you in your thinking. Use the cards to create space for quality reflection and to find solutions that work positively for us. The cards are designed for women in mind, and for the changes that we want with our daughters daughters in mind.



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